Camino Mysteries
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Discover the magic of the Camino the Santiago. Be inspired to seek higher guidance for your personal transformation. Step closer to the mysteries of existence. Dance under the stars and explore ancient castles with the Knights Templar. Immerse yourself in the majesty of the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral and its ancient traditions. div>Join Stella, a precocious seven-year old, as she departs with her brothers and her friend on a quest to Santiago in Spain. Travel along as mysterious messages guide them during their spiritual adventure toward the convergence of the earthly and celestial realms on the Camino. div> Passing through mystical space and time, they are transported into magical settings. Empowered by aspirations of inner peace, heart-centered living, and spiritual wonder, they find encouragement to go further into their calling to create a beautiful world. div>Will they complete their journey? Will they feel the magic of the Camino?
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